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Início > Produtos > Máquinas > Gráfica > Man Roland 305 h 0b pp + lv 2005 cci



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Man Roland 305 h 0b pp + lv 2005 cci

Vendedor: Imprim Unal
País:  Outro  Outro
Morada: 67200 Strasbourg FRANCE / DEUTSCHLAND
Telefone: 0033635564531
Email: Enviar email
Data: 21-02-2025
Estado: usado
Preço:  Sob Consulta

Contactar Vendedor

A Very nice and fully Equipped
MAN ROLAND 305 H0B PP + Lv from 2005
A 5 Colors press of size 53 x 74 cm
Plus Coating Unit Extented Delivery IR
Auto. Size Setting, Double Control, Rollers,
Blanckets, & Impressions Cylinders washing,
APL Plate Loading, Perfecting 5/0-1/4-2/3
RCI with CCI, QuickStart Pecom, DeltaMatic
with TechnoTrans, Grafix Powder, Ect...

Machine immediately free, can be seen running
Nice press, Only 43 Mio. Imp.

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